Digital Content writer

I am a highly experienced digital content writer.  I specialise in website content and email content.

With my extensive background in content design and content management – I write content that works.

And it works because it gives customers or readers exactly what they want.

Here are some of the techniques I use to produce content that will delight you and your customers.

Tone of voice

Getting the tone of voice right for your audience is worth the effort, particularly when dealing with sensitive or unusual topics.

I work closely with you to understand who your customers are and their needs so that the words we choose ‘speak’ to them in the right way.

Plain English

Whether your customers are the general public, native speakers of other languages or specialists, they will always appreciate content written in plain English. 

Plain English means avoiding jargon or any technical words that get in the way of your customers understanding the information they are reading.


Whether it’s a heading, short content, long-form content or anything in between, every word must earn its place on the screen.

By avoiding vague or filler words or phrases, I make sure your customers know what they are reading, without spending time trying to work out what things mean.


A disjointed message or badly-structured content can make it difficult for customers to follow the thread of an idea, and could cause them take their business elsewhere.

In my hands, your content will flow so that your customers can read, skim or scan it quickly without getting lost.

Contact me for a chat about your freelance content needs.